Case Studies


Aged and Disability Care Home Gets Out of Compliance Troubles, and Mitigates Its Risks

Being a player in the Aged and Disability care category, our client reached out to us with a very concerning issue. They had been served with notices of non-compliance as per the Work Health and Safety requirements of WorkSafe Australia. The absence of occupational safety protocols was glaringly evident in an unpleasant situation that put both the staff and residents at risk, and the management wanted to get on top of the situation before it spiralled further out of control.

The Challenge Presented

The situation presented a unique challenge to both the management at the care home, as well as to us, as we had to navigate various legalities and regulations that govern the industry. The management was concerned about running into larger legal troubles if they let the situation go unchecked, along with the issue of public scrutiny that had already arisen due to their non-compliance.

The Solutions presented

The solutions presented to the client spanned the following

A complete overhaul of the WHS policies

Proper codes of conduct and practices were put in place as per the WHS requirements, and the compliance was made absolutely obligatory upon the client.

Eviction Policies

In the event that the client is no longer able to serve the needs of certain residents in a safe manner, an eviction policy was formulated, so to serve the interests of both staff as well as residents in a better and safer way.

Employee Consultation Policy

Since it is the line workers who are most involved in residents and patients’ care, an all-encompassing employee consultation policy was formed to not only keep employees informed of management decisions, but to also get the input of employees while making said choices.

Periodic Audits and Reviews

It was decided that policies, rules and regulations be regularly revisited and altered to meet the changing needs of the client, to eliminate practices that are no longer beneficial and to develop new practices to keep up with changing circumstances.

Impact of Policies Implemented

The following outcomes were observed after implementing the aforementioned policy remediations

  • The client was now in compliance with the health and safety standards set by WHS, and as a result there was a greater sense of security and wellbeing within the staff and residents of the care facility;
  • Due to the new communication structures, there was an increased feeling of being valued by the management towards the staff, and with this, there was also a greater involvement of staff in management decisions that would directly or indirectly impact resident care of staff well-being;
  • With contingency planning, the management could not ease the burden of risks upon the organisation, while providing a framework of what to do and how in the event of any eventuality.

With the guidance provided by Infinikey Solutions, the client was able to correct its course, comply with health and safety requirements while also improve communication across the board to circumvent any similar issues which could have arisen in the future.


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