Case Studies


Ask Digital, a successful digital marketing company, employed Infinikey Solutions’ services to initiate a project focused on optimising and automating its internal processes. This was aimed at not just boosting efficiency and productivity, but to also making operations scalable for future growth.

 This case study delves into the methods suggested by Infinikey Solutions to pinpoint inefficiencies, deploy advanced automation technologies, and streamline workflows. By examining the implementation, and results achieved, this analysis sheds light on the practical benefits and importance of process optimisation and automation.

What The Client Required

The client approached Infinikey Solutions with these two tasks

  • Process automation on Clickup;
  • Integration of Clickup with Slack and Hubspot.

During the study stage of clients Clickup model, we found:

  • Significant discrepancies and redundancies in the client’s processes, and suggested improvements and optimisations wherever required;
  • A significant gap in the establishment of key performance indicators (KPIs). The lack of well-defined and measurable KPIs hindered the client’s ability to accurately assess performance, track progress, and identify areas for improvement.

 The Solutions We Delivered

Process Optimisation

While each process was studied to implement automation, an optimisation initiative was undertaken to make the workflows as smooth as possible, while removing redundancies at every step. The optimised process was first shared with the client and only after the approval of said iterations was the automation undertaken.

More than that, it was impressed upon the client that automation was an iterative process, where adjustments will be required to be made as per the demands of each process, the same applying to KPI measurement and monitoring.

Process Automation

We automated the client’s processes across Clickup, while setting up considerations for setting up realistic expectations, task delays and coordination.  This is not only aimed at improved consistency and quality for the task being performed, but also for increased visibility for task assignees and to address any discrepancies as they arise.

Assessment of Workload Capacity

An important element of task automations on Clickup is also to have a very real representation of the capacity each team member, as well as the entire team, and task redistributed whenever required. Delays could now be monitored with regular reports as well as dashboards that can be customised for tasks that are deemed critical.

KPI Development, Implementation and Monitoring

Since the clients KPIs were not well defined, KPIs were assessed and developed, corresponding to the projects being undertaken by the client.  Furthermore, on the Clickup application, dashboards provided a unique advantage of being able to monitor progress on individual KPIs at a glance, while automations make tracking consistent and minimise errors.

More than that, it was ensured that KPI targets were being met with constant reminders, messages and alerts, along with integration with slack and CRM data from Hubspot.

Integration with Hubspot and Slack

Client’s tasks on Hubspot were integrated on Clickup, and deal-based triggers utilised to automate tasks, within the parameters defined by both Hubspot and Clickup. This integration was also repeated for Slack, to make coordination of tasks easier and to ensure that everybody was apprised of any changes that were happening.

The Impact

The following results were reported by the client within the first six months of the automations being implemented

  • Process redundancies were reduced by 100%/eliminated.
  • Missed tasks were reduced by 100% due to constant reminders, and integration with slack.
  • Task completion rates were improved by 21%, due to realistic completion times being set up, and completion dates and workloads being adjusted as per requirement.
  • Due to KPIs being implemented, automated and monitored, team cohesion and the overall efficiency of the assignees as well as that of individual teams improved significantly.

At Infinikey Solutions we understand that a well-crafted employee handbook is essential for establishing clear expectations, fostering a positive work environment, and ensuring compliance with labour laws. When Society Coffee approached us with the task of designing a comprehensive and engaging employee handbook, we saw an exciting opportunity to contribute to the success of a growing business that prides itself on quality and customer service.

Society Coffee, renowned for its flavourful coffee and welcoming atmosphere, sought to create a handbook that would not only detail policies and procedures but also reflect its unique culture and values. Our objective was to develop a resource that would serve as a foundational tool for new hires and a reliable reference for existing employees, thereby enhancing overall operational efficiency and employee satisfaction.


The primary objectives that Society Coffee looked towards achieving through formulating an employee handbook are as following

  • A clear direction for management for hiring and onboarding new employees;
  • Ensure compliance with local laws and regulatory requirements ;
  • Providing a structure for regular operations and occurrences at the workplace such as matters pertaining to compensation, vacations and incident reporting etc ;
  • Lay out responsibilities and duties for every job role;
  • Set up clear expectation against which employee performance can be measured; and
  • Standardisation of recipes for beverage items on the menu.

Results Achieved

After the brief had been fulfilled and handed over to the client, the following results were achieved:

Enhanced Clarity and Consistency:

The employee handbook provided a greater clarity to both the management as well as line workers in understanding the policies governing the day-to-day running of the coffee shop, thus standardising practices from top to the bottom. This consistency helped employees understand their roles, responsibilities, and the expected standards of behaviour, leading to fewer misunderstandings and conflicts.

Improved Regulatory Compliance:

By detailing the relevant labour laws, workplace safety regulations, and anti-discrimination policies, the employee handbook formulated by Infinikey Solutions for the client helped ensure that the Society Coffee was in compliance with regulations. This also helped the client in the long term by providing legal armour in the event of any dispute, where the client could show without a shadow of doubt that employees were informed of rules and consequences.

Streamlined Onboarding Process:

The comprehensive employee handbook not only helped the client with the onboarding process, but also served as a key information resource for new employees, thus helping them with getting adapted to the company’s culture, values and expectations in a more effective and efficient manner. This not only impacted integration of new hires, but also their productivity, where new hires performed well from the get go.

More Effective Performance Management:

With clear performance expectations and disciplinary procedures outlined in the handbook, managers were able to handle performance issues more effectively. This ensured that performance evaluations are fair, and based on standardised criteria, leading to better performance management.

Standardisation of Recipes and Hygiene Guidelines

The employee handbook also laid out in detail how all the drinks and recipes were to be prepared with proper proportions, so less time was required to train baristas to make coffee and other beverages. This also provided them with a written recipe to fall back on in the event there was any confusion with regards to how beverages were to be prepared. This also significantly reduced the margin of error for standardised orders by providing standardised recipes.

With the assistance provided by Infinikey Solutions, the client was able to successfully establish clear guidelines, ensure legal compliance and streamline the onboarding process. This highlights the significant impact a well-crafted policy guide can have on improving organisational efficiency, consistency, and overall workplace effectiveness.



Nuvi Global, a health and fitness pioneer that sells, as per their claims, 100% natural nutritional supplements. Their supplements target STEM cell nutrition, weight management supplements, skin and hair and other areas of personal health. They sought to optimise their operational performance across all departments, and engaged Infinikey Solutions services to streamline the standard operating procedures (SOPs).


Nuvi global was mired in inefficiencies due to a serious lack of standardised procedures, thus impacting short term as well as long term accountability and consistency. Due to the nature of the business Nuvi Global was operating, and the number of factors and players involved in the processes, it was paramount that guidelines and responsibilities be laid out in a clear and concise manner.

Solution Implementation

  • Establishment of Standard Procedures and Departmental Responsibilities

Infinikey Solutions developed comprehensive SOPs and responsibilities encompassing all the departments for the client: Operations, Sales, HR, and Marketing. Furthermore, the adherence to legal requirements and customer-centric practices was reiterated for every department along with accountability and efficiency for every task performed.

  • Operations Department Procedures

Infinikey Solutions outlined primary responsibilities for the client that focused on customer satisfaction, fair sales methods and product value. Furthermore, practices that are either deceptive or unlawful were outlined and compliance with legal standards and consumer protection was emphasised.

  • Sales Department Guidelines

Since Nuvi operates on the basis of an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) structure, it is imperative that sales representative presentations are based on truthful and respectful interactions with customers. Furthermore, protocols for distribution of information and consumer privacy were also laid out.

  • Marketing Department Strategies

Infinikey Solutions recommendations for effective marketing campaigns, emphasising expert positioning and value-driven content. Furthermore, Infinikey Solutions provided the client guidance on utilizing social media platforms, optimizing content for engagement and searchability.

Results Achieved

The following results were projected for the client by Infinikey Solutions

  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency

Standardized procedures implemented by Infinikey Solutions for the client minimised errors and inconsistencies, fostering a culture of accountability and efficiency, while clear delineation of responsibilities improved departmental coordination and workflow.

  • Improved Consumer Satisfaction

With the implementation of consumer-centric practices trust and satisfaction were bolstered, reducing complaints and enhancing brand reputation. At the same time transparent sales and marketing strategies instilled confidence among consumers, leading to increased loyalty and retention.

  • Compliance and Integrity

The adherence to legal standards and ethical practices mitigated risks associated with deceptive or unlawful activities. Furthermore, proactive measures ensured alignment with regulatory requirements, safeguarding the organization’s reputation.


By partnering with Infinikey Solutions to streamline SOPs, NUVI Global achieved significant improvements in operational efficiency, consumer satisfaction, and compliance. Clear guidelines and responsibilities laid the foundation for sustained growth and success in a competitive market landscape.


Grey Gum Café, which is popular biker haunt, is located on one of the more popular bike trails in Sydney away from the general population. Due to its off-the-way location, it presented a significant logistical problem for the owner, who doesn’t only provide services within the food and beverage strata, but has also branched off into apparel sales. This was furthered by strategic partnerships with local brands that have also put products on display at the location.

The Issue at Hand

Grey Gum wanted to expand its capacity to sell its merchandise beyond its physical location, and in doing so, also expand its revenues as well as broaden its customer base and build on its brand value. Its off the way location and the client category it served also presented a problem, as bikers who frequent this establishment find it difficult to carry the merchandise back on their motorcycles, and would prefer to order them via an online portal.

The Solutions We Provided

Infinikey solutions suggested and provided the following solutions

Development Of E-Commerce Strategy

Infinikey solutions developed a comprehensive website for Grey Gum Café, one that featured its own merchandise, along with the Kevlar products they were stocking for a partner. In addition to that, Infinikey Solutions also provided another solution in terms of a mobile app, thus bringing Grey Gum Café to just a tap away.

Digital Marketing Strategy

Infinikey solutions came up with a comprehensive digital marketing strategy for the client, to enable them to target frequent customers as well as prospects in a more effective manner. This strategy was applied through all digital platforms where the client had any presence, along with expanding to ones where the client had not built itself up yet.

Observed Outcomes

After the application of these solutions we checked back with the client after a few months, and the client reported the following outcomes

  • The client reported a significant uptick in sales of merchandise, both his inhouse brand, as well as for those of the strategic partner, coming primarily from the online platforms that the client was using now.
  • As a result of the client’s presence as an e-commerce entity, the customer base automatically broadened, elevating the clients market presence and reach.
  • E-commerce solutions also impacted the customers perception of the client’s business, as what was now inconvenient to go to at best suddenly became attainable. Furthermore, it also presented the view that the client was putting its customers ease and convenience first.


The digital strategies provided by Infinikey Solutions not only resolved the issues Grey Gum Café was facing in the short term, but also laid down a framework for any future strategies that the client might have in terms of expanding the business. By adopting a more modern approach that leverages on e-commerce, the client not only enhanced its operational capacity, but also prepared for the future by prioritising sustainability and the ease of its customers first.


We provided management consultancy and SOP design services to Unifin, a full-service business process outsourcing and accounts receivable management service provider. Unifin initially got in touch with us due to a lack of procedures for their offshore resources, especially their performance management process. On an in-depth study of their existing procedures, we also suggested that they invest in other areas as well which includes

  • A robust contingency plan
  • Clearly defined HR policy and Roles
  • Process development for coaching and feedback to employees


As per the client’s requirements, Infinikey solutions delivered the following solutions

There were no clearly formulated Performance Management Processes in place

We formulated SOPs pertaining to performance measurement and management for offshore resources, which is equal parts important and challenging when most of the resources are offshore. Do achieve this, industry standards and best practices were utilised both in terms of setting KPI’s and performance benchmarks. Such for done for a myriad of factors ranging from telephone to service benchmarks. Furthermore, a system to review and report KPIs and employee’s performance with regards to them was also developed.

There was an absence of clarity on what steps to take with regards to performance outliers

Having no system in place to deal with outliers, or simply employees whose performance is not up to scratch came up in the course of our contract with the client. To counter this, or at least manage it, Unifin was given different strategies ranging from informal methods like coaching and counselling to formal methods like a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

HRM processes, roles and descriptions were not in place

Since this was a new segment to the business, no real definitions were in place in order to help managers and line workers with understanding their roles and responsibilities better. Furthermore, there was no plan in place to deal with the day to day of operations, and they were being dealt with what we commonly refer to as firefighting. Not only were jobs and responsibilities defined for the client, a schedule for regular meetings was also suggested in order to keep all the actors in the loop of the day to day of the organisation.

Contingency plans for disruptions in business were not in place

A modus operandi on what to do when any event, natural or man-made, disrupts operations was sadly missing from the client’s repository, so a plan was formulated to deal with any occurrence that could impact standard business operations. Since the business is largely concerned with electricity, telephone and internet connectivity, therefore, a business continuity plan was put in place to deal with uncertainties arising from such events.

The process for managers to counsel and give feedback was put in place

Managers need to be able to counsel and give feedback in a manner that builds up the employees morale as well as their skills.  This process starts right from the planning for a task to the execution. To do so, we recommended different models for both counselling and feedback to employees

The Impact

Six months after we delivered the project to our client, we reached out to them to enquire about how their performance was progressing, and the report they presented us with was very encouraging.

  • Managers were now communicating expectations to employees in a better and clearer way
  • Regular feedback gave employees a true assessment of their capabilities while also giving them a goal to reach out for, thus positively impacting their productivity and efficiency.
  • Coordination issues that were previously arising due to lack of proper work definitions as well as a serious dearth of regular meetings and huddles was also resolved.

In conclusion, establishing a robust performance management system and implementing effective management practices changed the clients business for the better, while catering to the weaknesses within their framework.


Banks increasingly recognise the importance of enhancing their website accessibility to serve their clients and prospects better. Recognising the pivotal role of digital platforms in modern banking, institutions are investing in user-friendly interfaces and streamlined content presentation. With a need similar to this, Commonwealth Bank set out to improve its accessibility to clients and users with special needs.

Commonwealth Bank’s Vision

Commonwealth Bank has a vision of becoming the ‘Most Accessible Bank’ in Australia. To fulfil this vision, it started from the very basics, i.e., amending its current framework and documentation that was available to its clients and users via its website. Infinikey Solutions Principal Consultant had the fortune to work on this assignment with a dedicated team of professionals, and together, they brought the project to fruition over fifteen months.

Step 1: The Audit

To kick off the project, an exhaustive audit was conducted to meticulously evaluate the status of the PDF documents, discerning between those that had become obsolete and those that remained pertinent and relevant. The client also employed an in-house team consisting of SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) in website accessibility, who worked with the external team in the areas of audit, developing processes, and conducting training.

Step 2: Checking of Relevant PDFs for Incongruities

Once all obsolete PDFs had been identified and siphoned off, the in-scope PDFs were checked for inconsistencies and inaccessibility, and a vendor was engaged to remediate said incongruities. Furthermore, a comprehensive risk framework was established in collaboration with the risk and compliance teams. This framework outlined the potential risks associated with non-compliant documents and defined the parameters and processes future authors and stakeholders had to meet in order for prospective files to meet accessibility criteria.

Step 3: Setting of SOPs and Communication Guidelines

To ensure that the publishing teams are on the same page with content authors, guidelines or SOPs were established to ensure that all future content abides by the accessibility standards and to eliminate any possibility of a future occurrence where PDFs do not abide by the set principles.

More often than not, measures or requirements set by an organisation may slip through the cracks due to ineffective communication by the stakeholders. In this case, a comprehensive communications plan was put in place to make all stakeholders aware of the initiative, ensuring they are performed impeccably.

Step 4: Closing the Project

Once it had been ensured that all of the now-accessible PDFs had been uploaded onto the Commonwealth Bank Australia website and that the scope of the project had been fulfilled, the project was formally closed.

The Impact

With the guidelines and checks put in place to ensure only PDFs compliant with accessibility standards would be uploaded for viewership by the broader audience, with an almost 100% success rate.


We Believe that making documents and materials accessible for those with impairments isn’t just about compliance; it’s about empathy and equity. It’s a testament to our commitment to inclusivity, ensuring that everyone can access information and participate fully, regardless of ability. Embracing this proactive approach reflects values and compassion, fostering a more empathetic and supportive community.


When Alpha Timber got in touch with Infinikey solutions, they needed to set down structured Standard Operating Procedures to assist the management and staff carry out and cater to  the day to day operations and occurrences , as well as WHS compliance protocols to ensure the safety of employees.

During a deep dive into the existing processes and procedures for Alpha Timber, Infinikey Solutions was able to identify key problem areas in the management of the business, and offered comprehensive solutions in order to counter the current issues they were facing, which included, but were not limited to

  • Development of a structured code of conduct
  • A system for developing and communicating expectations and responsibilities of the staff and management
  • Clearly formulated performance management tools; and
  • Effective communication schedules and systems

What We Delivered

As per the client’s requirements, Infinikey solution provided the following solutions, keeping in mind the clients unique set of difficulties and requirements.

Formulation of effective and efficient policies and procedures

The client’s top priority was to have in place clearly laid out policies and procedures, that would not only direct actions taken in the now, but also give a clear direction to the management for the future as well.

Putting in Place WHS Compliance Protocols

While the client did have in place a reasonable system to ensure its employees safety, Infinikey solutions formulated an even more comprehensive compliance plan to take into account any and all future eventualities.

There was an absence of a basic structures and systems to run human resources

The biggest issue that Alpha Timber was facing was the complete absence of structure in terms of its Human Resource Policy. Without having an employee management and ethics SOP in place, Alpha Timber was ‘winging it’ on a day-to-day basis. Furthermore, there was no system in place for rewarding good performance, as well as discouraging slip-ups and misconduct. A code of conduct was designed for employees for day-to-day activities, organisational interactions as well as communications with customers. Furthermore, expectations and responsibilities were laid out in a clear and concise manner for employees as well as management.

Performance Management Systems to Measure Performance 

In the course of formulating a robust human resource policy, Infinikey Solutions set up a Check-in Performance Enhancement Tool, which would facilitate future discussions on current performance as well as planning developmental activities for all the staff. In addition to that, KPIs were also employed measure employees’ performance as well as the reward system for them to achieve their targets.

We also formulated a comprehensive policy with regards to addressing of grievances, regular meetings, as well as trainings and confidentiality practices.

The Impact

Within a span of one year, Alpha Timber reported

  • Greater employee satisfaction in terms of performance assessment, grievance resolution and performance-based rewards
  • Significantly lower employee turnover ratio
  • Higher productivity values due to effective communication of objectives and goals.

 With our tailored policy solutions, we have revolutionised the Alpha Timber’s operations, cultivating a dynamic workforce that drives efficiency and innovation.


Being a player in the Aged and Disability care category, our client reached out to us with a very concerning issue. They had been served with notices of non-compliance as per the Work Health and Safety requirements of WorkSafe Australia. The absence of occupational safety protocols was glaringly evident in an unpleasant situation that put both the staff and residents at risk, and the management wanted to get on top of the situation before it spiralled further out of control.

The Challenge Presented

The situation presented a unique challenge to both the management at the care home, as well as to us, as we had to navigate various legalities and regulations that govern the industry. The management was concerned about running into larger legal troubles if they let the situation go unchecked, along with the issue of public scrutiny that had already arisen due to their non-compliance.

The Solutions presented

The solutions presented to the client spanned the following

A complete overhaul of the WHS policies

Proper codes of conduct and practices were put in place as per the WHS requirements, and the compliance was made absolutely obligatory upon the client.

Eviction Policies

In the event that the client is no longer able to serve the needs of certain residents in a safe manner, an eviction policy was formulated, so to serve the interests of both staff as well as residents in a better and safer way.

Employee Consultation Policy

Since it is the line workers who are most involved in residents and patients’ care, an all-encompassing employee consultation policy was formed to not only keep employees informed of management decisions, but to also get the input of employees while making said choices.

Periodic Audits and Reviews

It was decided that policies, rules and regulations be regularly revisited and altered to meet the changing needs of the client, to eliminate practices that are no longer beneficial and to develop new practices to keep up with changing circumstances.

Impact of Policies Implemented

The following outcomes were observed after implementing the aforementioned policy remediations

  • The client was now in compliance with the health and safety standards set by WHS, and as a result there was a greater sense of security and wellbeing within the staff and residents of the care facility;
  • Due to the new communication structures, there was an increased feeling of being valued by the management towards the staff, and with this, there was also a greater involvement of staff in management decisions that would directly or indirectly impact resident care of staff well-being;
  • With contingency planning, the management could not ease the burden of risks upon the organisation, while providing a framework of what to do and how in the event of any eventuality.

With the guidance provided by Infinikey Solutions, the client was able to correct its course, comply with health and safety requirements while also improve communication across the board to circumvent any similar issues which could have arisen in the future.


A lot has changed in the business scene during the past five years, most of the changes either coming of their own accord or being forced due to the pandemic. This event not only changed the way customers or clients interacted with businesses, but also made managers and business owners rethink how to manage their respective teams, and their employees at large. With the boom in online shopping due to the pandemic, most stores, if not all have focused their attention and energies onto their online platforms.

Endogear Australia’s Dilemma

It was after the pandemic ended that one such specialised apparel brand, Endogear Australia, reached out to us for assistance with their operations and processes. In a cursory glance, Endogear Australia’s problems seemed extensive, but the gist of it was

  • Lack of clear and concise policies and procedures for operations
  • Large number of product returns and cancellations, despite excellent quality standards
  • Bad customer reviews, which would further drive down sales and didn’t bode well for the future

How we tackled Endogear Australia’s Problems

Infinikey Solutions tackled the client’s problems in the following way

Order Processing Guidelines, Quality Control Measures and Customer Care

It was discovered that the client was not adhering to any specific formula or method of order processing. To tackle this, we developed Order Processing Guidelines, with criteria for timely and correct fulfilment of order. Furthermore, Quality Control Measures were drafted and enacted to ensure that customer received the best that the company could deliver. Communication procedures were set out for the customer support department, so that queries and complaints could be dealt with in a timely and agreeable manner.

Inventory Management System put in place

More often than not, the incorrect product or size was sent to the client, resulting in dissatisfaction and an ultimate return of the product. Inventory management procedures were set, with regular stocktaking and sorting of inventory items.

Communications design for optimised operations

To achieve better synergy between offshore and onshore resources, a detailed communication strategy was enacted within the organisation to assist all employees to work better and more cohesively. Furthermore, process optimisation and vendor management strategies were also suggested for a better and streamlined workflow.

Automation and integration of processes

Client’s processes on Clickup and Zoho were integrated with Slack for a greater coordination between on-shore and off-shore teams. Furthermore, tasks were automated on Clickup and KPIs established for improved efficiency and productivity. This not only improved consistency across the board but also targeted enhanced scalability for when the business decides to expand its operations.

Human Resource Improvements

In terms of setting out proper HR procedures, Infinikey Solutions also introduced hiring and onboarding procedures. To further that cause, Infinikey Solutions also introduced a system for addressing grievances and performance assessment.

Strategic Partnership with Local Businesses

Infinikey recommended that the client partner with local businesses, especially areas or places that are hotspots for the target market to allow the prospective customer an opportunity to appreciate the look and feel the product in person.

The Results Achieved

In a matter of a few months, Endogear Australia was able to achieve positive results that were further encouraging towards the future outlook.

  • As a result of the measures taken by Endogear Australia in terms of order fulfilment and quality control, there was a significant decline in the number of product returns and cancellations;
  • Client communication and customer service procedures enabled the client to serve its customers better, answer queries more effectively, and cater to any requests in time, thus leading to increased customer satisfaction;
  • Automation made the processes more streamlined from end-to-end, and integration with Zoho and Slack allowed for better and more effective communication of information and expectations across the board;
  • Internal communications protocols allowed for better synergy across the organisation, thus leading to more cohesive operational practices
  • With the operational guidelines put in place by Infinikey Solutions, the client was able to improve its operational efficiency significantly, leading to better outcomes.